World 5
Unskat: What is it?
Country name: Unskat (means One)
History (Chris)
Tionantati people lived there
French Settlers came to Huron area of Canada in early 1600s for the fur trade
In exchange, the settlers would give them weapons
For those settlers who stayed back after the fur trade, in order to stay with the community, they had to learn/adopt their ways of life and contribute to the community in an active manner
Coexistence ensued, ppl in France heard about this new nation that was forming and then some decided to come and learn too
French and Indigenous Languages mix (Vittoria & Amanda & Dilpreet)
In the wikimedia page, combine certain Indigenous & French words together and use them from time to time within the writing
Links to those words
Language Name of combo
Francais + Huron = ____
Some words can stay Indigenous bc it is still the main language
French didn’t overrun the area
School System
Dates & Times
Curriculum & Education Pedagogy
Language Classes
“French class” would be learning both languages French less important than Indigenous
French only at one time of the day like now (Dilpreet) Extra classes on certain days of the week
Celebrating Culture at School
Extra Language Classes for Learning French
Health, Nutrition, & Learning Outdoors
Outdoor education (Christine)
Combining health, nutrition & outdoor education
Growing of the crops
Math, Geography, & Science
Biology, Astronomy, & Farming
Important Links
Dictionary page w all the combo words on it
Ex/ One: Un + Skat = Unskat Ex/Deux + Tindee = Tindeux
Group Members
- Christopher Jean
- Dilpreet Jass
- Vittoria Pileggi
- Amanda Guerrieri
- Christine Salib