Cryogenic Freezing
The Presidential election of 2020, Donald Trump ran for his second term against Joe Biden, however he lost. Donald did not take the loss very well and vowed he would be back in office some day. At the time he was age 74, so not too many people believed his claim. Over the next 5 years after his loss, Donald put all he had into the development of cryogenic freezing. The loss of the election suddenly made him aware of his mortality.
In 2025, his team of scientists believed that they had developed a system that would allow them to freeze a living being for as long as they like, to bring them back and revive them, Austin Power’s style (retro throwback!). As per typical Trump style, he did not heed their warnings that they should test it on an animal first. He didn’t want to miss the opportunity to be the first cryogenically frozen human. He had heard that Mexico was on the verge of a breakthrough in cryogenics, and he had no intention of being out done by them, so Donald took the plunge and was cryogenically frozen.
Donald Trump had a team of trusted associates, at the time in 2025, they were freshly graduated from high school. This group was tasked with the responsibility of determining when it would be best to thaw out Trump and have him rejoin the living world again. They signed a contract with Trump indicating that they would only thaw him if they felt there was a guarantee that he would likely win the present election at the time. With the current state of affairs with the virus and the economic downturn the country was taking, his team decided to thaw him late 2024. His team was correct in picking then to thaw him, as Trump, at age 124, is now the current President of the United States. How they determined this was the time, no one really knows, but the most likely factor for thawing him was that no one was running at all. No one was ready to take on the country and have to deal with a state of emergency due to Ilera.
To this day, Trump is the only person to have successfully been frozen. Other countries are attempting something like this also, but with no luck yet. He is currently working with his now aged team of scientists to find a way to reverse aging, as Trump would like to run for President one more time in the next millennium.