Search results
Create the page "AI" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
3 KB (498 words) - 15:17, 4 February 2020
74 bytes (9 words) - 15:18, 4 February 2020
3 KB (482 words) - 20:26, 27 February 2020
24 bytes (4 words) - 13:21, 24 March 2020
116 bytes (14 words) - 14:56, 24 March 2020
Page text matches
- ...of (current) institutions and professional roles? How might innovations in AI (artificial intelligence), virtual reality (VR), or other tools reshape sch ...: with a technology (e.g., VR, Siri, 'robots', surveillance, bio-genetics, AI, social media, algorithmic culture, Mars colonization, etc) - or you can st5 KB (730 words) - 05:50, 12 January 2021
- ...r horse go as fast as possible without tiring out are contests against the AI of the game. Even defeating the final boss (which I have not got to yet) is38 KB (6,215 words) - 10:16, 6 April 2019
- gameplay (by which I mean other “human” players, not NPCs/sentient AI). As the [ current tren24 KB (3,946 words) - 19:27, 8 April 2019
- ...olf-’ style campaign missions, but can rarely break the mould, or effect AI/NPC social traits such as chattiness or motivation. In addition to networ35 KB (5,229 words) - 13:31, 4 April 2019
- ...ayer is in direct control of one character, this can alternate. The game's AI would influence what a character does when not under direct control by the6 KB (893 words) - 14:11, 22 February 2019
- ...ions, allowing for deeper and more nuanced situated practices, because the AI of the game supports the player by “[offloading] some of the cognitive bu20 KB (3,182 words) - 15:28, 10 April 2019
- [[Production 1 AI]] [[Production 2 AI]]262 bytes (36 words) - 14:55, 24 March 2020
- ...of (current) institutions and professional roles? How might innovations in AI (artificial intelligence), virtual reality (VR), or other tools reshape sch ...: with a technology (e.g., VR, Siri, 'robots', surveillance, bio-genetics, AI, social media, algorithmic culture, Mars colonization, etc) - or you can st6 KB (838 words) - 05:51, 12 January 2021
- AI is nothing without data, and much of Nozama's operation is built around col21 KB (3,337 words) - 17:49, 27 March 2021
- ...s app monitors heart rate, counts steps, etc. but is also equipped with an AI brain that allows it to detect our subconscious thoughts and emotions. It� ...s, etc. These bias monitors help to speed up configuration and ensure that AI models are being checked for fairness against sensitive attributes.30 KB (4,742 words) - 15:40, 30 November 2020