Critiques of App Name

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(AppName) was developed in 2045 using a combination of technologies to reach and uncover the deepest part of the human psyche – the subconscious. It was introduced to assist the court system, which for decades has been criticized as unfair and outdated. Indeed, it has worked to free thousands of accused criminals who were wrongly imprisoned due to jury decisions and flawed loopholes. On the other hand, it also brought justice to those who were able to walk freely due to their power and status within society. The results were promising; an honest population and a step towards a perfect world. The problems that once plagued humanity suddenly had a clear solution.

Over the next few years, (AppName) was licensed and distributed for personal use. It was not mandatory then, yet by 2048 the federal government made the weighty decision to implement this technology into schools. Their reasoning was simple: morally correct students will shape the future into one with less division and more content. Within the studies that were conducted, researchers found that (AppName) genuinely makes people into better human beings. They have noted that constantly being reminded of personal bias as well as respectful thoughts encourages individuals to work towards change. While it is too early to tell, there have been speculations that the moderate number of personal users, outside of schools, have already decreased the amount of conflict that goes on in public places.

Cons: Rebellion/Scepticism

Since the public initiation of (AppName), there has been scepticism of and even full rebellion against this technology. Several groups have publicly declared it an “invasion of privacy,” (Citizens Against Surveillance, 2049) stating that they refuse to have their own subconscious thoughts monitored regardless of who it benefits. Even with the government’s justification for instilling this technology in schools, there is concern about why all students must participate. In response, some radical groups have suggested reverting back to how things were in the early twenty-first century, when “freedom of speech meant something” (Nationalists of NA, 2047), to which critics responded that free speech should not come at the expense of other groups or identities, which is what (AppName) aims to fix.

Others have called attention to the growing suspicion that this app is, whether intentionally or not, gearing people to behave and think in the same way. This is because individuals receive similar alerts for similar thoughts, which may unknowingly influence them to change their patterns of thinking altogether. There is, essentially, an ideal way the app assumes people should be thinking. Multiple parents have come forward with reports of growing similarities between their children’s distinct personalities, causing them to question whether the use of (AppName) is necessary for so many youths at all times.

Diary of a 10th grade student, anonymous

I’ve been using (AppName) for about two or three months now, and I’m going to write a little about how it’s been. At first, it was good because it helped me feel better about myself and l was able to learn about all the ways I’ve been unfair or had bad thoughts without even realizing it. But then, I realized it was also stopping me from making mistakes that I could learn from on my own. (AppName) didn’t let me do even the little things that might be problematic because it would warn me right away and I would know, okay, I can’t do that. I’m not saying it’s bad, since I know it’s doing a lot of good things for the world. I just wish it would let me be human without making every negative thought into a lesson.

Diary of a high school teacher, anonymous

After installing (AppName), my job has become much more enjoyable and perhaps even easier! There are less problems between the students in school and I think everyone feels more included. It’s safer for sure. In the classroom, we’re able to have respectful discussions and I’m able to assess students based strictly on their learning. I’ve always worried that deep down, I would play favourites, but now I don’t worry about that at all. I can focus on doing what needs to get done and my old worries have been washed away.